Now that I got one part out of the way we're off to do the next.... types! We already determined WHY to cloth diaper now we have to decided how. There are so many different kinds out there that it can be very intimidating. Snaps or velcro, all-in-ones or pockets, wool or cover, cotton or bamboo, insert or prefolds, the decisions go on and on. I'm hoping this post will help explain what each one is in an easy to understand way so that you can decide which is best for you and your family.
All diapers have some sort of absorbent material in them. Most of the time it is referred to as an insert. Inserts can be made out of many types of fabrics. The most common is microfiber. Microfiber is a think almost scratchy like material that can not be next to babies skin. Some other insert fabrics include cotton, bamboo, and hemp. Bamboo and hemp are very absorbent although they will all do the job- and that is keeping the pee where you want it, in the diaper.
Pocket Diapers
This is the kind of diaper that I mostly use. Pocket diaper have...a pocket that you stuff the insert into. sense the insert is not against babies skin you can use whichever kind you prefer. You MUST change both parts during the diaper change. Both parts are only used for one change and then they need washed, but luckly for you the dry really fast unlike other kinds. Pocket are also more daddy and babysitter friendly because they offer the convience of a disposable. Pocket diapers are probably the most common diaper used in the diapering community. They're can be very cheap, they're not the hardest to use, and they mostly come in one size which means that they will grow with your baby from birth to potty training. Although some brands do offer different sizes.
All- in- one diapers are by far the most convenient out of the cloth diaper choices. Their absorbent material (insert) is sown into the diaper so that you don't have to take it out when you go to wash the diaper and you don't have to stuff the insert back in. Although they have these conveniences they take longer to dry after you was them and all-in-ones don't grow with your child very well. you have to buy different sizes and they are not as adjustable as other kinds.
All in two diapers are going to be in the middle on convenience scale. With these diapers all you do is change the inside of the diaper and re-use the outside part. you can do this because the insert is directly against the babies skin. usually held in place by a snap on both the insert and the inside of the outer covering (shell). Because the insert is next to babies skin it can not be microfiber. Microfiber will dry out the babies skin in a very bad way and could cause blisters and soars. Most All-in-Two inserts are cotton or bamboo. The nice thing amout all-in-twos is that you can get them in 'one size' which means that they can fit your baby from birth until potty training.
Flats, Prefolds and Fitted
These are also, like inserts, types of absorbant matterials. Flats and prefold are very similer. They both require some type of 'shell' on the outside to make them water proof. A flat you have to fold many times before you put it on baby (making it the most inconvient of all diapers) but unlike a flat a prefold is most of the way pre-folded.Prefolds only require a few folds. They both ,however, require either pins or snappies (snappies are a rubber fastener that keeps the diaper folded) Fitteds on the otherhand require no folding. They are already in the shape of a diaper, but they too need an outside shell or cover. Some fitteds also need snappies or pins but some come with build in snaps. This style of diapering is similier to the all-in-twos in the fact that you only change the inside of the diaper and reuse the shell.
Types of Covers (Shells)
PUL Covers- (polyurethane laminate) PUL is a type of water proof material. Pockets, all-in-ones, and all-in-twos already have a layer (or two) built in them. But for flats, prefolds, and fitteds you can buy a cover made out of PUL. They come in tons of cute colors and patterns.
Wool Covers- wool can be used as a natural fiber cover. When you wash wool with lanolin it becomes water proof and it only needs to be washed every few weeks. Although the washing process is hard and can be pricey some people love them. Wool cover are also very easy to make if you knit or crochet.
Fleece- Is a material that wicks away mosture and keeps baby feeling dry. Its easy to wash and maintain making it a favorite with moms. HOWEVER fleece is not a natural fiber so if you're wanting to go the natural route fleece is not for you.
Other Things to Think About
Snaps or velcro
Although velcro is easier ( a lot easier), and more dad friendly, it doesnt last as long as snaps. Velcro will eventually wear out and although you can replace velcro its a pretty big task to do. Snaps are harder to get the hang of and harder to get on a wiggly baby they last longer and its harder for baby to undo it themselves aas they get older.
Fitted or One Size
One size diapers are great in the fact that they will grow with your baby and save you money my doing that. However on a smaller baby they can tend to be bulkey and you might not get the best fit at certian ages causeing leaks. Fitted diaper are one size, you cant make them bigger or smaller, which means that you are going to have to buy different sizes through out your diapering days. People tend to not have as many leaks with these though.