Monday, December 10, 2012

Baltic Amber

Hey guys! I'm (finally) back! The last few months have been really hard in my person life, and I'm finally starting to see the light through all of this. My life has a purpose and every trying thing I've gone through has happen for a reason. It's time to pick myself up, brush off the dirt, and move on. I'll eventually share my whole story after I've figured out how to fully deal with it. I want to thank the followers that took the time to email me asking for more posts and wondering to see if I'm ok. I (hopefully) wont be disappearing again anytime soon!

This post I wanted to talk about something called Baltic Amber and what's its used for. I'll go over what it is, how its used, the benefits of it, and how you can buy it.

Baltic Amber is a fossilized resin that consists very large amounts of Succinic Acid, which has proven to be very beneficial to the human body. Baltic Amber has actually been referred to as one of the leading medicines of all time. When the Amber is worn on the skin, your body's warmth heats the amber to where it can release oils into the skin, and then absorbed.

Some of the many benefits of wearing Baltic Amber:
Teething Pains for children
Restoring Energy
Maintaining overall Wellness
Pain Relief
Chronic Inflammation which can help cure allergies, asthma, arthritis, Alzheimer's, some cancers, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, heart attacks, MS, and lupus (the last of which has been incredibly helpful for me)

I'm not saying Baltic Amber is going to cure you, however I something as simple as wearing a piece of jewelry could help ease some everyday pains, then why not give it a try? I've noticed a considerable less about of pain in my hands and my son doesn't seem to suffer from any type of teething pain while he is wearing it.

Some common places to buy Baltic Amber: (who actually has all her amber on Clearance for the holidays!! She also sells a ton of natural parenting products such as woven wraps, Mei Tais, ringslings, cloth diapers, etc)

Hope this was helpful! And expect to see a lot more of me now!


  1. I'm glad you guys found the Amber to be helpful. We did as well! I will be blogging about my experience with it and how it has helped my migraines. It is great stuff!

  2. Love this. I learned more! Zoey and i both have Inspired by Finn baltic amber necklaces and get complements/comments regularly. Today at the childrens museum i answered some questions from a curious mom. I didnt know it helped with cancer. that's awesome.

    1. i learned a lot writing it! i knew it helped my lupus pain but i didnt know why. i had learned how the succinic acid oxygenate blood and thats why it helps reduce swelling. i love blogging because it help me educate myself

  3. How long wearing it before I can feel a difference?
