Sorry guys for being MIA for a while. We have had a lot of things going on. Getting ready for baby Jacks birthday party, school, work, death in the family, and a ton of other things. I would like to thank all of my loyal readers who have been stopping by to look for recent posts.
Ok, so now lets move on to our post for the day, a wet bag tutorial!! This is my very first sewing tutorial so be easy on me! If I didnt make anything clear please feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email and I'll be more than happy to help!
Wet bags are super easy and fun to make! Plus they can be used for so many things. Eco friendly snack bags, used for wet towels or swim suites, and for dirty diapers in the diaper bag. The one I'm going to make today is pretty small so it would be good for putting dirty mama cloth in or used as a snack bag (I carry cheerios in ours).
What you're going to need:
Two pieces of PUL fabric, Two pieces of exterior fabric the same size as your PUL, a zipper longer than the length of your fabric, and a sewing maching. For my bag I had my fabric 6 inches long and 7 1/4 inches tall. My zipper was a 7 inch zipper.

Next you are going to line your exterior fabric on top of that right side DOWN. Make sure to very carefully line your ends up (PUL is slippery) and then pin them in place.
Then sew along the top of in. I just use a plain old single stitch. It should look like this after your done.
Now to make it lay flat sew along the zipper line over both pieces of fabric
Repeat all the steps for the other side. It should look like this when you're done:
Now open the zipper about half way

Lay the right sides of the exterior together and the right sides of the PUL together

Sew along all the edges leaving the bottom edge of the PUL open

Now very carefully sew along the bottom of the edge because there id useally some extre fabric that didnt line up right.

I cut the extra fabric off. This is a cosmetic option that you dont have to do if it doesnt bother you.

Now stuff the PUL into the bag.

You're finished!! Enjoy your nice new wet bag!!
Im asking everyone not to make these to sell, as i am going to be selling them very shortly on my etsy site. If you would like to but one before they are up for sale please feel free to email me at thank you!!