Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Egg Fun

Tomorrows Easter and today is the day our family does eggs! Well we got really creative this year and made some awesome eggs. We took rubber bands, wrapped them around the eggs and put them in the coloring! Some we did a base color first and then did rubber bands.

Bryan's rubber band egg
And also we colored some with crayons! They are so cool- the wax melts down and gets a spidery effect. I figured it out by accident the other day- I was hard boiling eggs for jack and wanted to mark the ones in the carton that were cooked. I grabbed a green crayon and it started melts all over. Well, needless to say I had a blast lol so we did that this year as well. If you are gonna try it make sure the egg is really hot so that crayon will melt!
Bryan's crayon egg


  1. Love the crayon idea! Your eggs look fantastic! Come check mine out :)

    1. They look great!! Next year I would like to try that!
