Sorry I haven't made any posts in a while- we have been super busy with a lot of things. I started a job selling cloth diapers and Bryan is finally pulling more shifts at the fire department which he is thrilled about. Anyways, my big boy had his none month doctors appointment yesterday. I was really looking forward to it. I was so excited to tell him all of Jackson new accomplishments. Like waving good-bye, saying mama, and almost being able to walk. Jackson weighted 16 and a half pounds and was 27 and a quarter inches long. I knew he was a tiny little baby but in no way did I think he was too small. The doctor got so upset by Jackson's weight that he 'perscribed' formula. He wants me to stop breastfeeding and give my baby formula. One thing, that as a parent, I feel very strongly about is breastfeeding. He also says that my baby sleeps way too much. I have always read that a baby who sleeps 12 hours at night is completely normal and is not a reason for worry. This incident at the doctors just put me over my breaking point. Not every baby can be in the 50th percentile. Someones gotta be at the bottom and it just happens to be my son. I just wanted to make this post to point out that there are other ways to help a baby gain weight besides formula! You can mix olive oil and coconut oil into their food and you can feed them foods like avocado that have healthy natural fats in them. We have started our search for a doctor that has similier views on nutrition as us that our current doctor doesnt have. There is a perfect doctor out there for everyone and has much as I love this mans personality he just isnt for us.

Does this look like an unhealthy baby to you?
I didn't think so lol
I'm sorry but that is absurd in so many ways! I am sad that there are still doctors out there like that :( My baby is the same age and sleeps 12 hours a night and takes two naps during the day. Formula should be the absolute last choice...not first. Good for you mama for finding a new doctor!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Jackson also takes two naps a day. each two hours long. The doctor told me to cut those out also. I'm not gonna do it. oh well. he used to be a great doctor but he has lost his touch.
DeleteI have never heard of a 9 month old not taking a nap. This guy needs to retire! Too bad he had to change like that. It is so nice going to someone you know and trust. Good luck in your search for someone more your speed!
DeleteI have to say I agree with you on the "nasty formula" comment. I have a thyroid condition which causes me to have a low supply so I HAVE to supplement for my 4 month old DD. Not everyone can breastfeed. That was pretty insensitive.
ReplyDeleteI didn't been to be insensitive and i completely understand formula for medical conditions. i apologize for that come off as harsh. i was very upset when i wrote that post and i didnt pay attention to my tone of writing. i truely am sorry. i do however stand by what i wrote. i do not like formula and i will not take that part back.
ReplyDeleteGabrielle - please don't get discouraged by anonymous commenters. If they really wanted to have a healthy debate they would 1.)Post their name so people can know who they are and 2.) State their viewpoint in a respectful manner.
ReplyDeleteI can clearly see that you weren't out to hurt anyone's feelings. People will get out of reading your blog what they want to and if they only want the negative then you are better of without their readership.
thanks =) its a blog about my parenting choices. im gonna have different view points on many things than other people. formula is just something i view differently than most people. thanks for the comment- i appriciate it =)
Deletelol I'm just reading this.. I don't feel insulted for the "nasty formula" and I formula feed... she didn't insult anyone and if you should not hide with the anonymous ppl!!
ReplyDeletethank you for your supportive reply!
DeleteI followed your blog from Babycenter. My breastfed baby is on the small side too. She's 8 months today and I would guess she is not much more then 15# but she is healthy and smart. I live in the Geauga County area too and let me suggest Dr. Ian Suzelis in Middlefield. He is an ostepathic physician and takes most insurances. He always suggests natural ways to healing as well as pharmaceutical. He's wonderful!