We have been doing something called babywearing since Jackson was about a month old. Its the act of 'wearing' your baby in a carrier of some sort. When I was pregnant I had known that this was something I had wanted to do and I honestly didn't think it was going to be that hard. I was wrong. Lol. We had a three carriers given to us by Bryan's aunt and as soon as Jackson was big enough to fit in them we used them.The first time we tried them was at the zoo.
This one here is a type of Infantino carrier. We used it for about half the day. It was uncomfortable for us and it seemed uncomfortable for Jackson. You can see how it looks like Bryan has to have his back arched and you also see how Jackson is way too low in the carrier. (See why this carrier is dangerous
here ) We didn't know much about babywearing then. Another one of the carriers was something called a pocket sling. I had tried it but I had a very uneasy feeling the whole time that it was unsafe, and I was right. I looked them up and pocket sling are known to cause suffocation by forcing the baby's chin into the chest. I was so upset because I had been really looking forward to holding and caring for my baby this way. I then came across something called a moby wrap. which is a SAFE way to carry your baby. The moby is a long piece of stretchy fabric that your wrap around you in a specific way. It took a long time of trial and error but we finally mastered wrapping.

I loved it so much that I wore it everyday for MONTHS. The benefits of babywearing are countless. For us the strengthened bond between my son and I was so amazing. So I was really disappointed when it started getting a tad bit unsupportive. I looked it up and found out that they really should not be used past about 15 pounds because of that very reason. I knew that people babywore into toddler hood so I started my search for a safe toddler carrier, and I found one that was very similar to a moby. It was called a woven wrap. and you could do back carries! this is very much like a moby but instead of being made out of stretching fabric it made of much more sturdy material. Mine is 100% Cotton but there are a lot of different fabric blends. I have a Didymos Blue Indio and it is the BEST thing in the world. There are tons of different ways i can wrap it and now i get to enjoy wearing my son until about 35-40 pounds!
First time Back wrapping |
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